Conquer Public Speaking: Insights from Experts Melanie Squire, Paul Russell, and Warren Buffett

Conquer Public Speaking: Insights from Experts Melanie Squire, Paul Russell, and Warren Buffett

Public speaking, often dubbed the “art of communication,” is a skill that can wield immense influence in both our professional and personal lives. It’s the tool that transforms ideas into action, individuals into leaders, and dreams into realities. 

As the sage investor Warren Buffet eloquently puts it, “If you can’t communicate, it’s like winking at a girl in the dark—nothing happens. You can have all the brainpower in the world, but you have to be able to transmit it. And the transmission is communication.”

But here’s the paradox: while communication is vital, the very thought of public speaking sends shivers down the spines of countless individuals. This apprehension is recognized as glossophobia – an overwhelming fear of addressing an audience. 

Surveys indicate that 72-75% of the population fears public speaking to some degree, making glossophobia one of the most common phobias. For many, it’s not merely a fear; it’s an incapacitating dread that can hinder personal and professional growth. 

In this article, we explore the causes of presentation anxiety, the prevalence of glossophobia, and advice from experts on overcoming this fear.

The Roots of Presentation Anxiety and Stage Fright Panic Attacks

Public speaking involves presenting ideas, information, or stories to an audience to persuade or inform. It can range from presenting a business proposal to delivering a speech at a social event. The fear of public speaking is rooted in anxiety about being the center of attention and the possibility of making mistakes or being judged negatively.

Glossophobia is a specific social anxiety disorder. Public speaking anxiety may originate from various sources, such as:

  1. Fear of Judgement: Many people fear that their audience will judge them harshly, leading to feelings of inadequacy.
  2. Performance Anxiety: The pressure to perform well and the fear of making mistakes can lead to anxiety.
  3. Traumatic Experiences: Some individuals may have had negative experiences while speaking in public, which can intensify their fear.
  4. Self-Consciousness: Fear of being the focus of attention and self-consciousness about one’s appearance or voice can exacerbate glossophobia.

How Common is Glossophobia?

Glossophobia is astonishingly common, affecting a large portion of the population. Experts estimate that it impacts up to 75% of individuals. However, the severity of this fear can vary widely. Some people may experience mild nervousness at the prospect of public speaking. In contrast, others undergo full-blown panic attacks when faced with this situation.

Expert Advice on Overcoming Glossophobia

To better understand how to overcome the fear of public speaking, we contacted experts in the field for their insights.

1. Matt Eventoff, Founder of Princeton Public Speaking:

Eventoff emphasizes the importance of practice. He suggests that “The most important public speaking advice is to practice. The more one speaks, the less uncomfortable you become over time.” Practice not only improves your speaking skills but also boosts your confidence.

2. Warren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway:

Buffet highlights the significance of early exposure to public speaking. He advises, “You have to do it; the sooner you do it, the better. Learning the right habits when you’re young is much easier. Just get yourself out there and force yourself into situations with people.”

3. Paul Russell, Doctor of Psychology and Managing Director of Luxury Academy:

Russell emphasizes positive self-talk. He suggests that you “Remind yourself that the people in the room want to listen to you and what you have to say. You could try putting a picture of a person that helps you to feel calm on the podium in front of you, and any time you feel nervous, pretend you are talking to them.”

Coping Strategies for Overcoming Glossophobia

  • Know Your Material: Becoming intimately familiar with your subject matter through thorough preparation can significantly boost your confidence. This knowledge will provide a safety net during your presentation, helping you stay on track even if anxiety creeps in.
  • Practice with Trusted Individuals: Practice your speech in front of someone you trust. This enables you to become more comfortable with the material and receive constructive feedback, which is invaluable for improvement.
  • Visualize Success: Use positive visualization techniques to imagine yourself delivering a successful speech. Visualization can help reduce anxiety and build confidence.
  • Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing exercises can help calm your nerves before and during a speech. You can manage stress and maintain a clear mind by taking deep breaths.

Trauma Connection to Glossophobia

As a form of social anxiety, public speaking anxiety can be intertwined with past traumatic experiences. Some individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may have an increased fear of speaking in public. Melanie Squire, a Utah trauma consultant and public speaker, notes that this fear can stem from feelings of being judged, embarrassed, or rejected.

Melanie Squire advises that “getting familiar with your material by practicing in front of someone you trust” can be an effective strategy.

For Squire, who speaks to first responders and survivors of traumatic events, preparation and a positive outlook are crucial when addressing a traumatized audience. Being well-prepared, strong, and positive can help engage an audience that has experienced trauma.


Overcoming glossophobia and the fear of public speaking is an attainable goal. With practice, self-assurance, and strategies like visualization and controlled breathing, individuals can learn to manage their anxiety and become more effective public speakers. Furthermore, for those who have experienced trauma, sensitivity to the audience’s needs and a prepared, positive approach can help bridge the gap between the speaker and the audience. 

As experts like Melanie Squire, Matt Eventoff, Warren Buffet, and Paul Russell suggest, practice and early exposure to public speaking are critical components in addressing glossophobia and becoming a confident communicator.

Commercial Cleaning vs. House Cleaning – Know the Difference

Commercial Cleaning vs. House Cleaning – Know the Difference

Businesses and organizations turn to commercial cleaning services when maintaining a clean and safe environment. These services play a pivotal role in ensuring that workplaces, institutions, and public spaces are aesthetically pleasing and free from health hazards. In this article, Assett Commercial Services delves into the world of commercial cleaning, highlighting its differences from house cleaning, its importance in various sectors like healthcare, schools, churches, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, and its role in construction cleanups.

What is Commercial Cleaning?

Commercial cleaning refers to the professional cleaning services provided to businesses, organizations, and public spaces. It encompasses various tasks, from routine janitorial services to specialized cleaning for specific industries and environments. The primary objective of commercial cleaning is to maintain a clean, healthy, and safe workspace while enhancing the facility’s overall appearance.

The Difference Between Commercial Cleaning and House Cleaning

Commercial cleaning and house cleaning may seem similar on the surface, but they are distinct in several key ways:

  1. Scope and Scale: Commercial cleaning typically involves larger spaces, such as offices, warehouses, schools, and healthcare facilities. House cleaning focuses on individual residences, which are generally smaller.
  2. Frequency: Commercial cleaning often occurs regularly, such as daily or weekly, to maintain a consistently clean environment. House cleaning is usually scheduled less frequently, based on the homeowner’s needs.
  3. Specialization: Commercial cleaning services are trained and equipped to handle specific industry needs, like medical cleaning in healthcare facilities. House cleaners primarily focus on residential cleaning tasks.
  4. Tools and Equipment: Commercial cleaning often requires specialized equipment, such as industrial-grade vacuums, floor buffers, and disinfection systems, which may not be used in house cleaning.

Healthcare Cleaning Services

Healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes, require unique cleanliness and sanitation. Healthcare cleaning services specialize in maintaining these environments to prevent the spread of infections and ensure patient safety.

Critical aspects of healthcare cleaning include:

  • Infection Control: Thorough cleaning and disinfection to prevent the transmission of diseases within the facility.
  • Compliance: Adherence to strict regulatory standards, such as those set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
  • Specialized Training: Cleaning staff receive specialized training to properly handle biohazardous materials and medical waste.

School Cleaning Services

Maintaining a clean and hygienic school environment is crucial for the health and well-being of students and staff. School cleaning services focus on creating a safe and conducive learning environment.

Essential considerations for school cleaning services include:

  • Germ Control: Effective cleaning and disinfection to reduce the risk of illnesses spreading among students and staff.
  • Safe Cleaning Products: Using non-toxic and eco-friendly cleaning products to minimize exposure to harmful chemicals.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Cleaning services often work outside of school hours to avoid disruptions during classes.

COVID-19 Cleaning Services

The COVID-19 pandemic heightened the importance of thorough cleaning and disinfection. COVID-19 cleaning services specialize in decontaminating spaces with confirmed or suspected cases.

Key elements of COVID-19 cleaning services include:

  • Rapid Response: Quick deployment of cleaning teams to sanitize areas exposed to the virus.
  • Use of Disinfectants: Approved disinfectants and techniques to eliminate the virus effectively.
  • Protective Gear: Cleaning staff equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure their safety.

Church Cleaning Services

Churches and places of worship require regular cleaning to provide congregants with a clean and welcoming environment. Church cleaning services cater to the unique needs of religious institutions.

Important considerations for church cleaning services include:

  • Respect for Sacred Spaces: Cleaning staff must be sensitive to the religious significance of their cleaning space.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Cleaning services often work around religious events and gatherings to avoid disruptions.
  • Maintenance of Historical Buildings: In some cases, churches may be historical buildings requiring specialized cleaning techniques.

Construction Cleanup Services

Construction sites can be messy and hazardous—construction cleanup services step in after construction or renovation projects are complete to prepare the space for occupancy.

Critical aspects of construction cleanup services include:

  • Debris Removal: Thorough construction debris removal, including dust, nails, and materials.
  • Detail Cleaning: Cleaning all surfaces, including walls, floors, and fixtures, to ensure a polished final appearance.
  • Safety Considerations: Adherence to safety protocols to minimize the risk of accidents during cleanup.

Contact Assett Commercial Services

Whether you require healthcare cleaning, school cleaning, COVID-19 cleaning, church cleaning, construction cleanup, or general commercial cleaning services, Assett Commercial Services is here to meet your needs. Our experienced professionals are committed to delivering top-quality cleaning solutions tailored to your specific requirements.

Contact Assett Commercial Services today to learn how we can help you maintain a clean, safe, and inviting environment for your business, organization, or facility. Our expertise extends across various industries, and our goal is to ensure your space remains pristine and welcoming.

The Solar Company That Saves 2 Hours a Day with AP Automation

The Solar Company That Saves 2 Hours a Day with AP Automation

In the heart of New Mexico, amid the sun-drenched landscapes and the bustling rhythm of business, Yanett Garcia stood at a pivotal crossroads. She was no ordinary manager; in fact, you could call her an “everything-preneur.” 

Yanett seamlessly juggled the roles of marketing guru, dispatch maestro, customer support champion, and mastermind behind vendor relationships, all with unwavering determination. 

Her life was a whirlwind of activity, a constant dance between tasks and responsibilities. Yet, as every entrepreneur knows, time is the most precious commodity, and Yanett was keenly aware of its scarcity. Thus, against this backdrop of ceaseless multitasking, Yanett embarked on a quest to uncover a solution that would unlock those elusive extra minutes and hours, allowing her to reclaim valuable time in her relentless pursuit of excellence.

The Quest for a Bookkeeping Hack

Yanett knew that in the world of business, every minute counts. One day, as she sat surrounded by piles of vendor invoices, she decided it was time to find a bookkeeping hack that would help her streamline this tedious task. She had heard whispers of magical platforms that could automate the accounts payable (AP) process, making life easier for busy entrepreneurs like herself.

The Trials and Tribulations

Yanett embarked on her quest, trying various platforms like CorpayOne and Each promised to simplify the payment workflow and free up valuable time. But as she delved into the setup process, she was tangled in a web of complexity. The automation promises felt like distant dreams as she struggled to decipher the intricate procedures required to make these systems work for her business.

A Ray of Hope

When Yanett was losing hope, a fellow entrepreneur came to her rescue. They faced similar business challenges and discovered a solution that transformed their financial management: Paygeon. Intrigued by this recommendation, Yanett decided to explore Paygeon and see if it could be the answer to her prayers.

The AI-Powered Revolution

The prospect of AI-powered automation was exciting and daunting for Yanett, who had never ventured into the world of artificial intelligence. Nevertheless, she decided to take the plunge and started a trial with Paygeon. To her surprise, getting started was a breeze, thanks to the user-friendly interface and helpful onboarding process.

“Setting up payment automation used to feel like deciphering a cryptic code and took up endless hours,” Yanett reminisces. “Discovering Paygeon was a game-changer, simplifying our financial management in ways we never thought possible.”

The Transformation

Over six months, NM Water Electric underwent a remarkable transformation. The cumbersome task of managing invoices, which used to consume excessive time, became a breeze with Paygeon’s automation features. The benefits were tangible and immediate.

Saving Time, Saving Money

Yanett and her team were saving an average of two hours daily. These precious hours were no longer wasted on manual data entry, double-checking numbers, and chasing after missing invoices. Instead, they were redirected towards more productive and strategic aspects of their business.

Enhanced Accuracy and Compliance

Paygeon’s AI-driven system has virtually eliminated errors in invoice processing. It ensured that invoices were accurately matched, approved, and paid on time, reducing the risk of costly mistakes and late payment penalties. Compliance with vendor terms and regulations became second nature, relieving Yanett of unnecessary stress.

Improved Vendor Relationships

With Paygeon handling the nitty-gritty of accounts payable, Yanett could devote more time to nurturing vendor relationships. The improved efficiency and reliability in payment processing had a positive ripple effect. Vendors were happier, and the company’s reputation in the industry soared.

Growth and Expansion

As the hours saved multiplied, NM Water Electric found itself with the luxury of resources that could be reinvested into the business. This newfound efficiency allowed Yanett to focus on strategic planning, explore new market opportunities, and chart a course for growth and expansion.

The End of One Chapter, the Beginning of Another

The story of NM Water Electric and its remarkable journey with Paygeon is a testament to the power of automation in modern business. Yanett’s determination to find a solution that could save time and simplify her financial management ultimately led to a transformation that exceeded her expectations.

Today, NM Water Electric is a shining example of how embracing technology and automation can increase efficiency, improve accuracy, and, most importantly, the gift of time. The lessons learned from this journey serve as a beacon of hope for entrepreneurs everywhere, inspiring them to seek out innovative solutions and unlock the true potential of their businesses.

As for Yanett, she continues her entrepreneurial journey with newfound vigor, knowing that every hour saved is an hour that can be invested in building a brighter future for NM Water Electric. And so, the story of innovation, determination, and growth continues, one automated invoice at a time.

Paygeon vs. Corpay One: A Comprehensive Comparison

Paygeon vs. Corpay One: A Comprehensive Comparison

Automation tools in finance and business management have become indispensable for streamlining processes and improving efficiency. Two popular options in this space are Paygeon and Corpay One. In this article, we will provide an in-depth comparison of these two platforms, focusing on various aspects such as user-friendliness, payment automation, expense tracking, cost, customer support, security, integration, and scalability. By the end of this comparison, you should understand which platform might be the right fit for your business.

User-Friendliness and Ease of Onboarding

Paygeon: Paygeon prides itself on its user-friendly interface and streamlined onboarding process. The platform offers an automated workflow setup, making it easy for users to configure and use the software efficiently. Even those with limited technical expertise can quickly adapt to Paygeon.

Corpay One: Corpay One, on the other hand, follows a more traditional workflow setup, which can be less intuitive for some users. Setting up the system requires more time and effort, particularly for those unfamiliar with this type of software.

Verdict: Paygeon offers a more user-friendly experience with its automated workflow setup, making it a preferable option for businesses looking for a quick and easy onboarding process.

Payment Automation and Integration

Paygeon: Paygeon excels in payment automation. It offers a seamless payment processing system that can significantly reduce manual data entry and the risk of errors. The platform also integrates smoothly with popular accounting software, ensuring that your financial data is always up to date.

Corpay One: While Corpay One also provides payment automation capabilities, its customization of automation rules can be more complex. Users may need to invest more time configuring these rules to suit their needs.

Verdict: Paygeon stands out with its user-friendly and efficient system if payment automation is a top priority.

Expense Tracking and Reporting

Paygeon: Paygeon offers robust expense tracking capabilities. Users can easily categorize expenses, attach receipts, and generate detailed expense reports. The reporting features are comprehensive and can provide valuable insights into your spending patterns.

Corpay One: Corpay One provides solid expense tracking and reporting functionalities. Users can categorize expenses and create detailed reports to gain insights into their financial activities. While it may not be as feature-rich as Paygeon, it still meets the needs of many businesses.

Verdict: Paygeon shines regarding expense tracking and reporting, offering a more comprehensive solution for businesses seeking detailed financial insights.

Cost and Pricing

Paygeon: Paygeon typically follows a straightforward pricing model, often based on the number of users and transactions. This simplicity makes it a cost-effective choice for many small to medium-sized businesses.

Corpay One: Corpay One’s pricing structure can be more complex. Costs may vary depending on the specific features and integrations your business requires. It’s essential to carefully evaluate the pricing options to determine the best fit for your budget.

Verdict: Paygeon’s straightforward pricing model is often favored for its transparency and affordability, especially for smaller businesses.

Customer Support and Service

Paygeon: Paygeon places a strong emphasis on customer support. They typically offer responsive customer service, including live chat, email support, and extensive documentation to assist users.

Corpay One: Corpay One also provides customer support, but the quality and responsiveness may vary. Users have reported mixed experiences with their support services.

Verdict: Paygeon has a more consistent track record of providing reliable customer support.

Security and Compliance

Paygeon: Paygeon places a high priority on security and compliance. The platform often employs advanced encryption methods to protect sensitive financial data and ensure industry standards and regulations compliance.

Corpay One: Corpay One also emphasizes security and compliance but may have varying security features depending on the chosen plan.

Verdict: Both Paygeon and Corpay One take security and compliance seriously. However, Paygeon’s consistent focus on these aspects may make it a preferred choice for businesses with stringent security requirements.

Integration and Scalability

Paygeon: Paygeon is known for its seamless integration with various accounting software and other business tools, enhancing its scalability for growing businesses.

Corpay One: Corpay One also offers integration options but may require more customization to meet the specific needs of a growing business.

Verdict: Paygeon’s robust integration capabilities make it a scalable solution suitable for businesses of all sizes.

The Verdict: Paygeon or Corpay One?

The choice between Paygeon and Corpay One depends on your specific business needs and priorities. Paygeon may be the preferred choice for businesses seeking a straightforward and intuitive solution, primarily if they heavily rely on integrations with accounting software. Corpay One may be more appealing to companies that require a high degree of customization and are willing to invest time in the initial setup.

Ultimately, both platforms have their strengths, but we found Paygeon to be the more user-friendly and beneficial software for businesses looking for a quick and efficient way to streamline payment automation, expense tracking, and financial reporting. It offers compelling user-friendliness, affordability, and robust features that many businesses will find highly advantageous.

Plumbers in Cape Coral, Florida

Plumbers in Cape Coral, Florida

When finding reliable plumbing services in Cape Coral, Florida, choosing a reputable and experienced plumber is essential. To assist you in your search, we have compiled a list of the top plumbers in Cape Coral based on several factors, including online reviews, local presence, community support, verification, license, and age of the business. Whether you need emergency repairs, installations, or general plumbing services, these trusted professionals are here to provide expert solutions to meet your needs.

Sunrise Plumbing & Water Filtration:

Sunrise Plumbing & Water Filtration is a highly recommended plumbing service provider in Cape Coral. With a stellar 4.9-star rating, they have established themselves as a trusted name in the industry. Offering 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and licensed and insured professionals, Sunrise Plumbing is committed to delivering top-quality workmanship and exceptional customer service.

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing:

With a 4.8-star rating, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is another leading plumbing company in Cape Coral. They provide 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and same-day service availability. As a licensed and insured company, they are dedicated to promptly and efficiently meeting the plumbing needs of residential and commercial clients promptly and efficiently.

Mr. Rooter Plumbing:

Mr. Rooter Plumbing has earned a solid reputation in Cape Coral, boasting a 4.7-star rating. They offer 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and same-day service availability. As licensed and insured professionals, Mr. Rooter Plumbing provides comprehensive plumbing solutions with a commitment to professionalism and customer satisfaction.

Avis Plumbing and Air Conditioning:

Avis Plumbing and Air Conditioning is a trusted name in Cape Coral, garnering a 4.6-star rating. They specialize in plumbing and air conditioning services, ensuring your home remains comfortable and functional year-round. With 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and licensed and insured technicians, Avis Plumbing is dedicated to delivering superior quality and reliable solutions.

First Class Plumbing of Florida:

First Class Plumbing of Florida has earned a strong reputation in the community. They provide a comprehensive range of plumbing services, including installations, repairs, and maintenance. With their 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and licensed and insured professionals, First Class Plumbing ensures that your plumbing needs are met promptly and efficiently.

All Day Plumbing:

All Day Plumbing is a trusted option in Cape Coral for reliable plumbing solutions. They have built a solid customer base with a 4.4-star rating. They offer 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and licensed and insured technicians. All Day Plumbing is committed to delivering excellent service and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Cape Plumbing Inc.:

Cape Plumbing Inc. has served the Cape Coral area for years, earning a 4.3-star rating. Their team of licensed and insured plumbers is dedicated to delivering high-quality workmanship and exceptional customer service. With their 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and same-day service availability, Cape Plumbing Inc. is a reliable choice for all your plumbing needs.

Gulf Shore Cooling and Heating Inc.:

Gulf Shore Cooling and Heating Inc. is a reputable company with a 4.9-star rating. While specializing in cooling and heating services, they also provide reliable plumbing solutions. Their licensed and insured professionals offer 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and same-day service availability. Gulf Shore Cooling and Heating Inc. is committed to delivering efficient and effective plumbing services to its customers.

ABC Southwest Plumbing & Air Conditioning:

ABC Southwest Plumbing & Air Conditioning has garnered a solid reputation in the industry, with a 4.1-star rating. They provide comprehensive plumbing and air conditioning services with a commitment to excellence. With their 24/7 emergency service, free estimates, and licensed and insured technicians, ABC Southwest Plumbing & Air Conditioning ensures that your plumbing needs are met with professionalism and expertise.


When it comes to plumbing services in Cape Coral, Florida, choosing a reputable and experienced plumber is essential. The top plumbers above have demonstrated their expertise, reliability, and commitment to customer satisfaction. These professionals are equipped to handle all your plumbing needs, from emergency repairs to general plumbing services. When selecting a plumber, consider factors such as online reviews, local presence, community support, verification, license, and the age of the business. By making an informed decision, you can have peace of mind knowing that your plumbing needs are in capable hands.

This list was created by the results on an online survey.

Create online surveys and interview questions